Rabi Pirzada Ki Video Share Karnay Walon Ke Naam Pegham.

In his video message, Advocate Almas Ali stated that anyone who forwarded an inappropriate video of a person is violating the 'Modesty of a Person' law. The punishment for sharing a porn video is 5 years and can be fined up to 50 million, while those who send video to their friends are committing the same crime. So it's also a violation of the spamming law, you could be punished for up to three months. Citing the case of Rabi Pirzada, advocate Almas Ali said the shopkeeper's crime appears in this case. This mechanic has no right to access your data when you give your mobile or computer to anyone, if they do, then they are subject to Section Three and Four violations. #RabiPerzada
Rabi Pirzada Ki Video Share Karnay Walon Ke Naam Pegham. Rabi Pirzada Ki Video Share Karnay Walon Ke Naam Pegham. Reviewed by Raaztv on November 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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